Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Braden's first glasses

My boy is just awesome. He has such a positive attitude about life. Here he is in his 'camo' glasses. They have camouflage print on the earpieces. He is so excited about them!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Picture fun and Picasa

I was messing around with pictures and web albums and stuff tonight when I discovered how fun and simple Picasa made some basic editing.

Here are a few collages I made from some pictures of Yvonne from last year. This was way too fun. I've never done photo collages before. And Yvonne looks wonderful!

First Collage.

First with warming.

Second Collage.

Third Collage.

Third with Highlighting added.

True Colors and True Grit

Our awesome son Braden, has succumbed to the inevitability of his genes. Just before our camping trip at the end of July he went in for a consultation on his teeth and an eye exam.

A short time later he came out with braces on to straighten his teeth before his bite is messed up. And glasses were picked and ordered and on their way a few minutes later. Ugh, all in the same day. Poor guy.

Here's our trooper the first day of braces. I don't have a picture with glasses in it yet as we just got those last weekend and haven't snapped any shots of him yet.

He did well dealing with the pain of tight teeth and pokey wires. And then silly us forgot his wax while camping that weekend so a trip to town was required to find some. After scouring Spanish Fork for nearly an hour, visiting three dental offices which were all closed, Albertsons, K-mart and finally Macey's, we found the only package of dental wax in the whole town on a Friday afternoon, apparently.

So $.70 and 60 minutes later we had some relief for the poor guy to get him through the rest of the weekend. Then we had to drive back up to the campsite.

He is now a Pro at putting on the wax and is happily chowing down sandwiches, pizza and all things requiring front teeth to bite through. He is also loving his cool camouflage glasses. What a great kid!

You rock Braden!