Saturday, April 23, 2011

Six months later

It has been six months since I started my job. I've been pretty impressed with how well things have gone. For some reason it is always a bit of a surprise to be able to look back and see the guidance in my life. I never could have expected this job to work out the way it has. I have found a good place on the team and am enjoying the mix of responsibilities I have been given.

I am even more appreciative in light of seeing some neighbors who are still unemployed and have now surpassed me in length of time in that status. I really appreciate how they feel and pray for them daily.

March was momentarily eventful for us. We almost sold our old Toyota Camry, but more momentous was the purchase of a new Hyundai Sonata. Yes, a 2011 Sonata. It is our first NEW car and the first car we've bought in thirteen years (not counting the trucks). The value just proved worth it and we have begun to worry about taking our Camry on extended trips. It is so nice to have a new car again, where everything is fresh and solid and doesn't sound like something might rattle off at any time.

As mentioned, we almost sold our Camry. In fact I had cleaned it out and was prepping it, but then we decided to keep using it for my work commute and not put a ton of wasteful miles on the new car and warranty. We want to save those for more extravagant travels that we hope to take in a year or two as a family. :)

We've been enjoying spring, with the exception of a round of colds that has hit us. Thankfully they haven't been too bad. The garden is almost ready to go in and the flower beds are cleaned out and being expanded as soon as we can get a border put down.

And today the kids are excited to celebrate Easter and Bryn's birthday on Sunday. Here's a couple of pictures of the kids hanging out and having fun recently.

How does this qualify as comfy?

Some sock game the kids invented one Sunday. Notice the spectators and referee on the sideline?

We wish you all a Happy Easter. May the Easter Bunny find your house and the Savior's atonement find a place in your heart.