Sunday, November 1, 2009

Merry Halloween! Ermm, what?

Halloween day and I'm out putting up Christmas lights with one of our friends in lovely 60 degree weather.

"Christmas lights," you say?! Yes, Christmas lights in October. I've never done it this early before. I still feel a bit nutty doing it.

Do I really understand why? Yes, technically. It is all about warm weather and no jackets versus freezing fingers and icicles at the end of November. Did it feel a little strange? Yes. Will I be glad of it when Thanksgiving weekend rolls around and I get to stay inside to decorate for Christmas rather than freezing my keister off out on a ladder in sub-30 degree weather plus wind chill factor? Oh yeah, you better believe it!!!

That's when I'll be thanking our craziness for this nice warm weekend and work already done.

Happy Halloween!