Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hustle and Bustle

Boy, has it felt like a busy week. We had something every night of the week which included:

  • Family Home Evening (yeah!),
  • Elders Quorum visits,
  • There was the "cancelled in the nick of time" youth trip to Temple Square on the COLDEST night of the year! Whew! (Substitute activity in the neighborhood and at the church),
  • A trip to the MOA at BYU with the cub scouts for pack meeting. (Very cool place. Have to go back.),
  • The Forgotten Carols in SLC (First time for us, very fun in person),
  • Braden went to his first basketball game with his buddy's family and watched the Utah Flash play,
  • Can't forget cleaning the church on Wednesday and Saturday.
Hmm, it seems like there is something else....

Oh yeah! Snow removal duty at the church this month. We only had to clear it three times this week alone (and there are three more weeks to go!). Thank you for good folks with four-wheelers who saved our hides, especially this morning at 6a.m. with the heaviest snow I've seen in ages.

Um..., and then I had EQ Presidency meeting, sang in a quartet at Sacrament meeting, went to choir practice, cleaned up more snow so the street out front would drain from all the slush and played with the kids in the snow (but that part was pretty fun :) ).

The kids are now in bed and Yvonne is at tonight's Youth Choir-side as I write this.

Thank heavens for Sabbath days. I need the break from everything else.

Despite being so busy, it was a fun week and we had lots of fun together as a couple and a family.